“The most intricately and perfectly coordinated of all voluntary movements in the animal kingdom are those of the human hand and fingers, and perhaps in no other human activity do memory, complex integration, and muscular coordination surpass the achievements of the skilled pianist.” – Homer W. Smith, From Fish to PhilosopherWhile they are playing with…
WHAT TO DO WHEN YOUR CHILD DOESN’T WANT TO PRACTICE It can feel nearly impossible to get your child to practice the piano when they don’t want to. I remember when I first started making my daughter take piano lessons. If I had heard “Dad, I’m bored” “Why do I have to practice?” “I don’t…
At a middle age, can I learn how to play a kind of musical instrument?
At a middle age, can I learn how to play a kind of musical instrument? By: Le Hai Dang People of all ages can learn how to play musical instruments if they really want and try. Instead of setting big objectives, they should have serious learning attitude towards progress. So, you should not be concerned…
What should I do when my children get bored too quickly?
WHAT SHOULD I DO WHEN My CHILDREN GET BORED TOO QUICKLY? By Le Hai Dang “Soon hot, soon cold” is commonly found in many people. It shows their lazy nature. Laziness has urged humans to constantly invent various means that work for them, like machines, computer, smartphone, and artificial intelligence. However, there is one thing…
I want my child to learn how to play the piano, but we have an electric keyboard only.
I want my child to learn how to play the piano, but we have an electric keyboard only. By Le Hai Dang First of all, piano and electric keyboard are different. Piano emits sound owning to the system of keyboard, hammer, strings and resonator. Piano doesn’t have light keyboard and auto-accompaniment function like electronic keyboard.…
I have no idea of music. So, how can I teach my child?
I have no idea of music. So, how can I teach my child? By Le Hai Dang Before giving the answer, I’d like to tell you the story of Meng Zi’s mother moving house for three times. Meng Zi and his mother first moved to a house near a cemetery. Like other kids, her son…
My child hasn’t learnt to read and write yet. Can he/she attend a music class?
My child hasn’t learnt to read and write yet. Can he/she attend a music class? By Le Hai Dang It’s necessary to differentiate between learning music knowledge and learning how to write and read. They’re completely different. Someone once said “Music is powerless to express anything at all”, which proves music was there before languages,…
How to choose a suitable musical instrument for my child?
How to choose a suitable musical instrument for my child? By:Le Hai Dang Before deciding on a musical instrument for your child, do not hesitate to let them be in contact with and experience different types. The attraction of a musical instrument lies in its sound that will take your child to the mysterious world…
What are the differences between music education at training center and at teacher’s home?
What are the differences between music education at training enter and at teacher’s home? By: Le Hai Dang It’s the education model that counts. At present, the three models of individual, collective and combined teaching are applied both at training centers and private class. Professional music schools also apply them in parallel. The importance is…
Do music learners need musical aptitude?
DO MUSIC LEARNERS NEED MUSICAL APTITUDE? By LE HAI DANG Aptitude is necessary in all areas, especially the aesthetic ones. However, it comes in various expressions. Some people are good at imitation, some stand out for their excellent memory, some are found rich in expressive ability and sensitive to different sounds, whereas some are better…