Cre: Hoffmanacademy

To create a great piano practice game, first decide what you’d like to target, such as piano posture, or playing a song without missing any notes. Then choose a clear, specific goal that’s attainable for your child. If hand position is the issue you’d like to tackle, make the object of the game to keep fingers curved and relaxed, and don’t worry about anything else. Next, decide how you’re going to give feedback. One fun way to do this is to have a small object like a toy or a coin set near one end of the keyboard. Move the object one key closer to the end every time the child succeeds. Make up a story about the object that your child will enjoy, such as a prisoner trying to escape from a dungeon, or a lost pet finding its way home.


  1. Keep It Short and Sweet

    End the practice session before your piano student gets tired. As a rule of thumb, students in the first few lessons should practice ten to fifteen minutes per day. Slowly work up to thirty minutes a day as they are able. Keep practice sessions short and sweet, and your child will be more willing to come back the next day.

  2. Positive AttitudeThis is important for both the piano student and the practice partner. Never scold or threaten to get your piano student to the bench. If they complain, remind them to come to piano practice with a smile. You might even want to make a game out of cheerfully coming to practice.
  3. Use Piano Practice Games

    Children love games, and when it comes to piano practice there are lots of ways to have fun and be creative. A good practice time game will have a clear and specific goal with results attached. Within those guidelines, your imagination is the only limit.


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